Eric Bascom-Ted Levine Duo at Berkshire Busk!, Great Barrington, MA, Open to the Public

Great Barrington, MA

Berkshire Busk - Great Barrington, MA

6:30 PM

Eric Bascom-Ted Levine Duo. Featuring Eric Bascom, Guitar and Vocals, and Ted Levine, Saxophone. We look forward to another season with Berkshire Busk! We'll be performing at one of their sites in Downtown Great Barrington, MA from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Ted and I will be performing jazz, blues, originals, along with old and new popular music standards from the Great American Song Book and Beyond. Come on down and join us. This Berkshire Busk! Series is always great fun!

Venue Details

Various street performance locations in Great Barrington, MA. Details at
Great Barrington, MA 01230